The most intimate and advanced way to work with Airtable, yourself, and the world.
People are "FEELING" this software like never before!
"Beautiful system - lovely to see databases used for such human-ness!"
"quick thanks for sending out and creating CareTable. I’m excited at how it’s giving me an easy and meaningful path to more intentionality and purpose."
"Appreciate you sharing your gift(s) with the normies!"
Let's be honest no matter what software you choose, you get locked into an interface that may work for a bit, but you soon abandon. Constant fees, subscriptions and marketing make finding a solution hard.
Enter the "No-Code" movement.
No-code is a set of tools that allow you to link apps together and make something that fits your life, work or enterprise and continues to grow with you. At its essence, no code lets you change the software you use every day. Think of it as Etsy for software.
Yet No-code is often about businesses big and small. No-code is linked to automation, processes, and flows! No-Code is rarely linked to the intimate parts of our life.
CareTable is built on two world leaders in NoCode software, AirTable and Miro with a bit of Magic thrown in by Chris Dancy, the world's most connected person, seriously, Google "Most Connected"!
Built on Airtable the world's most advanced no-code application platform. Easy to update, change and extend!
The fast way to collaborate, plan, and create with the world's easiest-to-use online whiteboard!